The Dragon Boat Festival will take place on:

April 25 & 26, 2025 •  Starting at 8:00am

Located at Harrah’s Gulf Coast Great Lawn – click here for directions

Frequently Asked Questions

What is dragon boat racing?

Dragon boating is a unique kind of boat racing. A dragon boat team consists of 20 paddlers sitting two abreast, a cox who steers the dragon boat from the rear and a drummer who sits at the front. The boat itself is 46 feet long and will go as fast as you can paddle! The team of paddlers work in unison to propel the boat forward from a standing start, the aim being to reach the finish line in the fastest time.

What are the origins of dragon boat racing?

Dragon boating began in China more than 2,000 years ago, originating from superstitious beliefs that the boat racing would ensure prosperous and bountiful crops. The dragon boat celebrations were conducted during the summer solstice, the time of the year when natural calamities such as disease and death were more prevalent. Accordingly, dragon boating has come to symbolize both humankind’s struggle against nature and the fight against dangerous enemies.

How does the festival benefit our community?

All proceeds from the Gulf Coast Dragon Boat Festival directly benefits United Way of South Mississippi, whose purpose is to support early childhood education and literacy, access to health care, financial stability, youth opportunity and community resiliency for individuals and families in Hancock, Harrison, Pearl River and Stone counties in South Mississippi.

  • In the last grant cycle, United Way of South Mississippi awarded $430,000 in Community Impact Grants to 13 local agencies who support our initiatives.
  • United Way of South Mississippi operates 9 free PreK classrooms in the Harrison County and Gulfport School districts, serving 180 4 year-old students.
  • United Way of South Mississippi is the local sponsor of Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library with over 1,440 local children enrolled at no cost to their families.
  • United Way of South Mississippi sponsors the SingleCare prescription savings card and Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA).
  • United Way of South Mississippi acts as the Harrison County Call Center in times of disaster. UWSM took over 4,000 documented damage reports following Hurricane Zeta.
  • United Way of South Mississippi is the lead organization for the annual Fill the Bus school Supply Drive and sponsors the Dr. Martin Luther King Day of Action and Diaper Drive.

How can I help?

Easy…paddles up! Register you and your team members for this unique team-building experience. Sponsorship opportunities are listed at the above link, and there are also numerous volunteer opportunities. If you are interested in providing volunteers, please contact Kellee Caldwell.

Also, you’ll receive a $100 discount if you bring a team to sign up!

Important Dates

The final day to register a team will be Thursday, April 17, 2025 by 5 p.m.

To receive the full benefits of your sponsorship, including a $100 participant sponsorship discount, please register no later than Friday, February 28, 2025 by 5 p.m.

All other payments are due to United Way of South Mississippi on Thursday, April 17, 2025 by 5 p.m.

Total books given out to date through Dolly Parton's Imagination Library

Volunteers from April 2022-May 2023

Dollars Invested in our Communities over the Past Year



News & Info